Gluten and Sugar Free Bloggers

A friend asked if I knew of any good gluten free and sugar free recipes. I didn't off hand since our issue is milk. But I remembered seeing some interesting gluten free bloggers recently so I went on the hunt for those links. Since I'm sure there are others who deal with celiac or other gluten issues and possibly diabetes as well, I wanted to share those links here rather than just with the one friend.

One is Gluten-Free Girl and The Chef - you can't go wrong with this married couple. She lives with celiac disease and he's a chef. Bam. She uses sugar, but there are substitutes for sugar.

Another is Gluten Free Mommy - she also uses sugar, but she has a lot of recipes.

Elena's Pantry looks like a good option for those who are gluten free and sugar free.

Finally, here's Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free - Amy has a lovely blog with a wide variety of recipes that are both sugar and gluten free.

I hope this short list helps! And I have found some fun recipes that I'll have to try sometime, too.


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